"An air line? What movie theatre sex while pregnant

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"An air line? What sex while pregnant the hell is an air line?" I took him to the hole, and he looked in. His face went pale. "Will … this is a gas line." I couldn't have known. Then, like now, I had no sense of smell, and had no way of determining that sex while pregnant the rush of invisible gaseous material was not air, but gas. "If you would have found a match, you would have blown up yourself and half the goddamned neighborhood." My Dad has a funny way of showing fear; he yelled at me for being so stupid -- when I saw him through the window minutes later, he held his hand to his heart and shook, silently; his son was a misplaced matchbox away from death -- and told me to go inside. "Geraldo's on at 3," he said. "I think we should watch it." My father had never watched Geraldo in his life.
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