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But she hooters restaurant never seems to glean any real emotional lessons whatsoever from all her trials & tribulations, and that is a disappointment.3. The 'Why I Am Opposed to Antidepressants' chapter. While I don't disagree 100% (I've never taken them myself), her attitude strikes me as using it for secondary gains--to avoid life's other difficulties. And she even admits this avoidance to wanting to feel better, but the assumption is that hooters restaurant it's widespread and therefore 'normal.' While it may be fashionable in this day & age to whine with semi-masochistic angst about the hooters restaurant Disease du Jour, anyone with any degree of experience with said Problematic Vagina will probably see through the literary tactics and question the helpfulness of publishing a book that follows the herd in that aspect of medical mentality. 4. The shift in focus to the 'inequality' of older women vs. older men seemed a little out of place. The association of that to her chronic pain only one year later (while stating she's not going through menopause) reads as a dire prediction for anyone over the age of 40, and suggests that a woman's entire attractiveness is