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I am amazed that people music previews complain about being informed about sex at school in the fourth grade because I was only taught about puberty and sex and the works in grade 6. I have a lot of friends that are not virgins. Now . . .I dont know if they've used protection or not but I hope they have because although it was a little late we were still taught about sex and the risk of unprotected music previews sex. To me it seems like the government is focusing on educating us more about drugs and the dangers of drugs rather than sex. Keep safe Eddie (back to top) Monica reply Hi, I am a 22 year old student, living in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am responding to the entry posted by Monica. I am alarmed by her statement that sex ed. encourages children to experiment with sex: I strongly disagree. I believe that sex ed that is handled appropriately, and that is age-appropriate, will really teach kids what to expect from a developmental point of view; it will also empower them to make healthier, informed and positive choices.