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While that might be an inspiration to women who need to garner a little more assertiveness while on the examination table (something difficult to do when you're half-naked in stirrups!), it comes across as SHE being the difficult one, in her resistance to a real commitment to getting better. Meanwhile, her rocky love relationship is documented stranger with poignance and heartfelt confusion.This is stranger a book meant to be read for entertainment, period. There are a few scant explanations of certain theories and treatments, so thumbs up for that, at least. However, the stranger fact that one of the central themes is a painful condition is second to the use of imagery and brevity of dialogue in creating a story that centers more around a woman's psyche in relation to her sexual self. Nothing wrong with that, and it certainly makes an insightful case. The last third of the book engaged me more than the rest, but even throughout all this thought-provoking work, I got a little irked.