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Inc. or its affiliates CM8ShowAd("Top");   LOG IN | SUBSCRIBE =SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED FREE NEWSLETTERS & CHART ogged ALERT SIGN UP NOW Bookstandard Web SEARCH ADVANCED ogged | TIPS AUTHOR NEWS SAVE | EMAIL | PRINT | MOST POPULAR | RSS | REPRINTS Janice 'Girlbomb' Erlbaum Dishes on Her Sex-Crazed and Drug-Addled Past and How Life Is Different Now March 14, 2006 By Kimberly Maul By the time she graduated from high school, she had lived in a homeless shelter, a group home, with her boyfriend and back in her mother’s house, which she’d left when she ogged was 15. GIRLBOMB: A Halfway Homeless Memoir is the story of the wayward adolescence of Janice Erlbaum. Drugs, sex, drinking, stealing and more drugs fill the book, which is officially in stores on March 15. But despite her dramatic background, Erlbaum writes in the author’s note, “I had to leave out a lot of the good stuff. Sorry.” Erlbaum scoured her notes, journals and letters to recall the details of her past.
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