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One man's disgusting perversion of nature is another's chocolate scented strap-on mangina. It will all be laughable before long. In the year 2100, the pony teen sex girls will be snickered at as we now marvel and teen sex laugh at the erotic attraction of a single bare ankle in 1900—how could they have made a big deal over that? Now, those freaks who've replaced their ears with ginger-scented stoat sexual organs, that's some weird shit. Why can't they just plug their neural jacks into one of the digital sex circuses, like regular people? . . . . . I wonder if fetishes might not, in the long run, be as constraining as they are freeing. Is the person for whom the pinnacle of sexual experience is licking a sugar cube out of someone's hand—is that person limiting themselves from the wider range of erotic and emotional experience by focusing so much energy on one particular fantasy? That is, is the alternative sexuality, ultimately, limiting, as limiting as the fetishists say straight sexuality is?