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I: Really? I thought I’d sold them all. M: They were of that comic strip you really liked, incestgrrl with the little boy and the stuffed tiger. I: Oh, Calvin incestgrrl and Hobbes. I thought you meant, incestgrrl like, superhero comic books. Yeah, I’ll have to get those the next time I’m over. You should read them, they’re really great. I remember this one where Calvin was pounding nails into the coffee table, and his mother comes in and screams, What are you doing??!! and Calvin just sort of looks befuddled and says, Is this some sort of trick question? Hah hah! M: Thursday on Oprah they were talking to bereaved parents and they had a mother on whose son swallowed a nail when he was two, but no one saw him do it, and I guess the thing just ripped him up from the inside over the course of a few days, and by the time she realized something was wrong and took him to the hospital it was too late, and he died.