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I understood then that in some ways I'm ruined beyond repair. But then farm animal sex I felt good, because I don't believe my daughter will ever farm animal sex feel that way. Being ruined is not the worst thing; ruining others is.     My daughter recently told me she didn't farm animal sex love me anymore. I had put her in her room for a long time-out after she bit her brother. My mother was wrong, what she said when she found my diary. Children don't — and can't be forced to — feel constant adoration. They need their privacy, their evil thoughts, their mystery moments. But they also need to be told that the love is still there, parallel to any anger or disappointment, on both sides.    So I told my daughter that I love her every minute of every day, even when she's bitten her brother and I'm mad, and that I know she loves me even when she's in time-out and she's mad. She sighed with relief and threw her arms around my neck, then ran off to play and completely forgot about it, and me.
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