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Sometimes it’s just not worth it to try to change someone’s mind or make them act differently, because you don’t really have events to deal with them that much. Maybe you’ll come to that conclusion about your neighbors. But if you want the situation to change, I do think events there’s something you can do about it. You don’t have to badmouth his wife to point out they’ve got it wrong (I agree badmouthing the wife is a bad events idea, and it might make you look bad in the process). When someone says, “You’re so lucky to have stolen him,” you could say, “Well, we’re both lucky to have found each other, but I was also lucky not to have to steal him; he and [mean ex-wife] were already separated when we got together.” It doesn’t correct their mistake about him, but it gets you off the hook. If those moments have already passed, and now you’re dealing with people who’ve been thinking ill of you for months, you could try, at some moment when they're in your boyfriend’s house waiting for the kids to be ready perhaps, inviting one of them into the kitchen to have a casual cup of coffee.