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Openly. At Perkins Pancake House. With my dad carving his Deli-Ham & Lots-A-Cheese omelette in silence at the straight sex end of the table. By conversation's end, we both agreed that writing a sex column was a straight sex natural extension for someone with my prurient interests. It's a way to let it all hang out while staying relatively clothed. There was just one caveat, courtesy of my father: "Get a .45." So what's in it for you, dear reader? Aside from hearing about my lusty endeavors in lascivious detail, I'll be your personal escort on all things straight sex debaucherous in Philadelphia, reporting from the front lines on who's doing what, how, when, where and to whom. Future columns will tackle everything from foul-mouthed Catholic boys and high-end escorts to Cosi flashers and fist-a-thons. I'll teach you how to politely disentangle from a post-coital engagement, make your own sex toys and masturbate at work.
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