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(More) Jan 2, 2006 5:28 AM PST I don't suppose many will respond, and I can only put in my two cents. I guess I started having sex with my mother as early as four when she was licking me all over. I actually had sex with penetration when I was eight and ejaculated inside her when I free voyeur was around ten. I had all kinds free voyeur of sex with her til she free voyeur died when I was sixteen. I loved all of it. BUT, I was helpless around girls my own age. The first "date" I ever had was at the high school Senior Prom and because I had no experience other than just jumping into bed with my mom my pass at her was a disaster. I flat had nothing to say to girls my own age, did not know how to talk or behave around them, and I think most of my classmates thought I was gay.
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