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She makes the trip from Madrid to Barcelona by train, just as she had done in the other direction seventeen plus years earlier. Soon, we discover the reason why Manuela had fled Barcelona and her previous life. Estabans father had become a transsexual (and a prostitute) a year or two before product reviews Estaban was conceived. Manuela first met Estabans father when they were both playing parts in A Streetcar Named Desire. Later, when they product reviews were living together, he had come home after a trip to Paris with breasts larger than her own! He had gotten breast implants and product reviews had become a transsexual. He had turned into a she, now named Lola (Toni Cantó). Manuela had stuck with Lola until she discovered that she was pregnant, at which time she decided to split and begin life anew in Madrid. Now back in Barcelona, Manuelas first destination is The Field, a pick-up spot where customers circle in their cars around a rotary, while prostitutes of all kinds (female, drag queens, transsexuals) strut their stuff.