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Somehow, at what seemed like warp speed, Phoebe went from being happy to being miserable. From not worrying about her weight to insisting on having two scales in her bathroom and memorizing the calorie count of every morsel of food. From daughter to father poem not worrying about how she looked to freezing daughter to father poem like a deer in the headlights in daughter to father poem front of the nearest mirror and asking, "Do I look particularly fat today?" Day after day after day. We took Phoebe to a therapist who suggested she draw pictures of rainbows. I went to a therapist who said, "She’s such a beautiful girl. How can she have an eating disorder?" My husband and I talked to a psychopharmacologist who said it was probably all biochemical. "Oh, she’s just having a hard time adjusting to a new a new two parents who are never home," said her school guidance counselor, hastily adding, "but two parents who love her very much."
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