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Jesus Christ. I know we’re not getting the acting academy’s finest, here, but come on! If I came that quickly and easily, I’d never leave the house again. The dirty talk can be eliminated, too. Terribly unimaginative health & daily living sexuality & pregnancy stuff, health & daily living sexuality & pregnancy this. “Ooh, baby, health & daily living sexuality & pregnancy yeah. Fuck that pussy/asshole/ear, baby, yeah...” Yawn. We can all see what’s happening, no need for the running commentary. somebody, somewhere in that room is having sex  4  Speaking of fake, what’s the deal with the props on some of these Adult Feature Entertainment sets? I am not a woman who cannot appreciate the beauty of another woman’s body, whether it be cosmetically enhanced or not, but enormous triple-Z boobs that look like a paper maché piñata at a pervert’s birthday party are too much. They don’t even look real.
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