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So I'm taking steps to make my death something for Toney to look forward to, to make every strip of bacon an investment in a fucking secure future. Anyway, fucking they're sending a nurse to our house to take blood, urine, blood pressure, and to check our height and weight. I fully expect an unknown doctor in a lab somewhere in Jersey to call me in a couple of weeks to inform me that my liver is barely functioning, I have Lou Gehrig's disease, I'll be blind soon, and I should expect my skin to begin sliding fucking off within the month. I hate medical stuff, because I always fear the worst. I can imagine my friends saying to each other, "He just went in for an insurance exam...that's how he found out..." Fuck. -- On a related note, I think I might be developing hemorrhoids. I'm not sure about it, but there's definitely something going on out back, something new and different. Toney and I went for a walk around the neighborhood Saturday afternoon and I was in absolute misery.