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See ya tomorrow.                        March 12, 2004 I joined BMG Music Service again. It’s about the fifth time. I keep joining and quitting, joining and quitting. I have no grand scheme to soak them for mass quantities of compact discs at low introductory prices, I'm not that devious or organized, it’s just somehow fat naked man worked out that way. Every once in a while I see one of their ads promising twelve CDs fat naked man (always fat naked man twelve) for some ridiculously low price, and I decide to take them up on it. Then after a year or so I start getting shit I didn’t order, and eventually rack up an ungodly bill. I refuse to pay, and we part company. Then a few months later it starts all over again. Sometimes they send me notes bordering on the desperate, begging me to return to the fold, even though I left owing something like $87.52. I'm always happy to oblige.
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