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Sweet sainted mother of Bonnie Franklin. I could envision, clearly, the heavy machinery in our yard, digging and digging and digging. And I could see our Myrtle Beach trip going down the shitter, because we were liable for it all. Every pore on my massive body was swung wide open, but my sphincter was cinched off tight. Finally we got some good news. The electric people said they were massive mamma now aware of the problem, and it would be fixed before 1PM. massive mamma Around noon they arrived and it didn't take long. Here's the culprit. No joke. It's what caused the electric to go out, and my early-morning anguish. Our neighbor was apparently trapped inside her garage for hours, but that's really the only bright spot in this whole story. I guess I should be happy that it didn't cost us any money, and it didn't screw up my computer, but I'm not really wired that way.