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Who knows? Something will emerge, I'm quite certain. All I know sexy fat is, some bourbon will be needed for the procedure. If I'm going to be expected to build a pine tree, hang a bunch of stuff on it in an aesthetically pleasing manner, and also be in a sexy fat good mood, I'm going to have to introduce some Kentucky exports to the mix. And maybe a Cinderella CD at elevated volume... or possibly a little Def Leppard. Oh, lots of pre-planning is necessary in these situations, and sexy fat the mood has to be just so. You can't just go building pine trees all willy-nilly. -- I took this picture the other day with my camera phone in the bathroom of a local restaurant called Fresno's. The guy crapping in booth two (who craps in restaurants??) probably wondered what I was doing out there, but I thought the sign was amusing. I'm just a sucker for pee comedy, I guess.
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