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What in the honeybaked fuck?! I fully expected to see a giant slut rhinoceros come around the corner, but it was one of those big trailer giant slut park dogs: a pit bull or some shit. The thing was pulling at the chain like it was mentally damaged, and slobbering and honking. Fuck. I stepped back, and let the beast, and the three people hanging onto its chain, get past. Pictures were being knocked crooked on the walls as they struggled to keep him under control. What is the attraction? I giant slut sincerely don't understand. Andy was a basket-case. He wouldn't come to the woman who worked there, and Toney had to go back to coax him out of his cell. When he came out to the lobby he was all hunkered down and looking around frantically. When he saw me he apparently understood that his sentence was over, and he began yelping and leaping, like he was shitting a razor blade.