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Rarely have I risen so high, and fallen plumpers so low, in the course of, oh, ten seconds. It was one of the world's shortest and least-satisfying roller coaster rides. I'm still pissed about it this morning; I would've been better off not knowing. Stupid information! I've been tempted plumpers to throw on one his CDs as a consolation prize, but I'm afraid I might start crying. -- This goes directly into plumpers my sprawling Hall of Crushing Regret, down the Rock 'n' Roll corridor way out in the northern wing, past the Why The Fuck Did I Say That? Grand Ballroom. I know the perfect place for it too: beside the detailed account of my dumbassery the night Nirvana played a show literally one block from my apartment in Atlanta, a few weeks before Nevermind came out -- and I couldn't muster the energy to get up off my butt cheeks and walk across the street to see them. This new entry will fit in nicely there.