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November 1, 2004 -- Last night was Trick or Treat here in Hooterville. Kinda bizarre to have it fat black on a Sunday, but whatever... We bought fat black an outsize sack of premium candy -- real Snickers, not that wad of peanut butter bullshit in orange and black wrappers, or those godawful novelty green and yellow Tootsie Rolls. No, we had the goods at our house. And the doorbell rang exactly fat black three times. A group of four rowdy ten year olds, a little girl dressed as a fairy (or some shit), and a brother and sister team sporting homemade peanut costumes(?), and that's it. Pretty depressing. In our neighborhood in California Halloween was a huge party. People would leave work early to prepare, and it was like a freakin' street carnival. Most of the houses were decorated way past the point of ridiculousness, a large percentage of the adults were at least mildly drunk, and the kids had a full-blown blast.
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