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And then she reported to work at 6AM, dragging ass. Could that possibly be true? This same woman reportedly was making a cake once, when Toney's mother arrived at her house. She had her right hand and a good portion of her forearm submerged in a big bowl of batter, fat man and was slowly moving it around in circles. Sunshine said, the hell? And the woman explained that the recipe called for the batter fat man to be "stirred by hand." Please do with this information what you see fit. -- At work on Friday a woman viciously snapped at me fat man and used a very hurtful tone of voice, after I'd asked her a simple question on the phone. Everybody's wound a little tight these days so, unfortunately, this is not an unusual reaction. But, to her credit, she almost immediately apologized. "I'm sorry, Jeff," she said, "It's been a bad day. The shit has hit the bed over here."