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Please accept my apologies. -- The final episode of the season of Law and Order BTO kicked the flabby ass of the most recent Sopranos, which made gung hay fat choy me yell profanities at inanimate objects. I know extended dream sequences must be mighty gung hay fat choy attractive to scriptwriters, because they can go wild and do all kinds of crazy shit, but they don't do much for the viewers. That bullshit on Sunday didn't move the story forward, as far as I can tell, and it wasn't even entertaining. Only three episodes left and they waste gung hay fat choy it on that crap? Oh, I was pissed. -- But, speaking of dreams... I had one earlier this week in which I was standing on the ladder of a swimming pool, with my legs partially in the water. It had a ladder like a pool, but it was somehow a lake... I was just standing there when the water agitated and a head popped up. It was a man with a monocle in his eye, and a cigarette holder in his mouth.