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Recapturing that feeling will become our unbeaten mission. -- unbeaten This sign appeared last week, only a few blocks from our house. We'd heard rumors, but I didn't really believe them. Waffle House, in northern Pennsylvania?! Please. We're on the cusp of New England up here, the land of John Kerry fancy-lads and finger sandwiches. These unbeaten people don't know from scattered, smothered, chunked, and covered. They think barbecue is a verb, for god's sake. How can you just drop a Waffle House into the middle of this? The culture-shock would simply be too great. But apparently it's true. I wonder if they're gonna have to import the waitresses from Georgia or Alabama? Oh, they have plenty of heavy-set women here with a half-dozen ex-husbands and a history of prescription pill abuse, but they're not friendly. They're mean, and scary. They don't call you "honey" or "baby," and act motherly. |
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