Now this. I fear fat flush diet fat belly

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Now this. I fear it may send him spiraling into depression and chronic confusion. I'm afraid he may go crazy and crash through the picture window, fat belly in a meat sauce-induced frenzy. The doctor also said Andy has an abundance of tartar, and needs to chew on a commercially-available bone-style chew product. I hate to break it to him, but fat belly that's not tarter. It's Oreo cream. Mr. Opinionated needs to get his facts straight. -- Speaking of Andy, he made a really strange noise last night, at 3:30 in the morning. It sounded like a cow mooing, and it fat belly was really loud. It woke us both up from a deep sleep. And we said, at the exact same time: "What in the hell?!" Wonder what that's all about, a dog mooing in the night? It wasn't a howl, Andy's not a coyote, it was something else. I think he was yawning, but I'm not sure. Any ideas? I'm not going to start milking him every morning, I want that to be known up-front. If he turns into a dairy cow, he's on his own.
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