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It was all a big joke to him. But I didn't think any of it was funny. What kind of crazy-ass bitch goes to somebody's job, years later, and tries to poison management against them? Unbelievable. Later that fat loss same year she substituted at our high school. I saw fat loss her in the hall and once again thanked the gods of revenge and juvenile delinquency for smiling down upon me. One day it was snowy fat loss outside so the rubber band lady wore boots to school, then changed into sneakers once she arrived. A friend and I went into her classroom after we saw her headed toward the cafeteria, opened her second-story window, and flung her goddamn boots out in the yard. They landed at the feet of a couple of cigarette-puffing hoods in Ozzy shirts, or whatever, and they looked up in confusion. "It's the sub's boots!", we yelled down. And the hoods promptly ran her footwear up the flagpole, and tied them off so they were hanging on the same level as her window. It was just so frickin' pure and perfect, it almost brought a tear to my eye.