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She had these towering hedges all the way around the perimeter of the lot, and you could only see the roof of the house from the body fat scale street. There were heavy-ass blackout curtains on body fat scale every window, the carpet was green or gold or some shit, and half of the kitchen was set up as a den. Seriously, she had a couple of recliners and a body fat scale television in the kitchen; you could watch Wheel of Fortune and make toast at the same time. There was a pretty powerful funk in there as well, kinda tangy in nature. I have no idea... Also, and this is the most disturbing of all, I picked up a Hershey's kiss from a candy dish in the living room, removed the foil, and it crumbled into a white, ashy heap in the palm of my hand. It still gives me a full-body shiver when I think about it.