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Pronounced physiologic or pharmacologic effects of dietary EFA supplementation have been demonstrated in controlled studies of LA supplementation in diabetic angiopathy [69] and hypertension [70]; clinically significant immunosuppression has been obtained from 3 gm per day of EPO [71], and marked changes in platelet function have appeared after prolonged ingestion of small doses of LNA [72]. It is therefore possible that the clinical effects fatty tumors in dogs in these case reports are owing to pharmacologic actions of EFAs. The line between nutrition and pharmacology is quite hazy, however. and in each case the pretreatment analysis of phospholipid EFAs suggested an fatty tumors in dogs abnormality fatty tumors in dogs in EFA intake or metabolism. It is possible that these varied abnormalities in EFA levels derive from the impairment in D6DH activity that has been described in atopic eczema and that might be a common feature of atopics.