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Apparently they were old friends who hadn't seen each other in a long time. I started thinking about it, and I don't believe I've ever burned fat hugged a man in my life. I probably hugged my dad and grandfathers when I was a little kid, but it's been a long dry spell since then. And, no offense to my friends, but I don't plan on breaking burned fat that streak anytime soon. I can't imagine, say, walking up to Mark and sharing a tender embrace. In fact, the thought of it makes me laugh aloud. Call me a cynic, burned fat but I think when hetero men hug they're being pretentious, trying to show everyone how worldly and sophisticated they are. I think it's all for show. Within five years I fully expect to see men kissing each other on both cheeks, like Russians. Just wait and see. Phony assholes never sleep. -- You know, it occurred to me that if there was ever a natural disaster or something that made it necessary for me to remain locked inside the bunker, I could probably sustain myself for several days on the crumbs imbedded in my keyboard.