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I'd brought books to read for my drunk strip comprehensive exams and was drunk strip feeling the pressure to work, work, work. As for the presentation, "Subtext, Context, Text: The Rhetorics of the Feminist AIDS Documentary," I was last on a panel, and the first guy talked way too long and the chair did nothing. I received a couple of hostile questions from people who had not really listed to what I said; my answers were repeating parts of the paper and having them go, "Oh."2002--Chicago: I must have submitted something, but I can't remember. Da Man did go drunk strip to this one (I'd been back in Ohio since 2000). I was only there for half the conference. I actually had two job interviews. At one, I was told I was not the right fit for their area, but if they'd had an opening in another area, they would hire me on the spot. As for the second, they wanted to bring me to campus but their chair told them no since I said I would not finish the dissertation until at least December.