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Krystal's transcripts head jerked up and her mouth fell open, but my mother didn't notice. Her eyes were fixed on Donna, on whom I'd finally managed to get a Scooby top but no bottoms. My mother continued as if in transcripts a trance: "She's so innocent and puffy and . . . " — she struggled for the word — "white." A former English teacher, she deliberated over word choice. "No, it's that it's neat down there. Compact. Like a little hot-dog bun." Judging from Krystal's blanched face, I transcripts understood that my mother had said something freakish. But how so? My own light command over my limbs and gravity, my health, my childish joy at being alive (I was ten), had always induced in my mother the same too-intense admiration as had Donna's somersaults and giggles. I'd shake my bum on command, and my mother would chase me with her fingers out, shrieking, "Pinchee bum! Pinchee bum!" Though we were poor, she found money for lessons: I was in dance; I was a cheerleader.