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JE: The most painful sequences to write about were the ones with my mom. They just made me sad and exhausted. But since I have piles and piles of abnormalities old abnormalities notes and journals, none of it was that hard to remember—I’d left myself an archive full of helpful reminders of all the things I’d rather forget. TBS: You write about the times back then when you were on drugs. How were you able to recall those situations? Since abnormalities your brain at those times wasn’t necessarily fully functional. JE: For the drug episodes, I really tried to sensorially recall what it was like to be on those drugs, and wrote from there. I don’t think I’ll ever forget what it felt like to be that fucked up—which is why I don’t get that way now. TBS: What was it like to kick the drug habits that were so much a part of your adolescence?