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Parenting is about setting the teen example, setting boundries, and teaching your children to make good choices on thier own, not about being your child's best friend at all costs. Too many parents these days think it is more important to condone behavior that teenagers shouldn't have, just to keep them happy, as opposed to being the parent and doing what their real job is. If you are mature teen enough to have sex, you are also mature enough to understand that simple fact. Mother's will teen do anything to protect their children, even if it makes the child angry. babydawn View Public Profile Send a private message to babydawn Find all posts by babydawn #4 03-08-2006, 09:44 PM ILoveChococat Family Member Join Date: Mar 2006 Posts: 6 I totally understand where she was coming from, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to sound ignorant or anything, but I guess it's just a lot of things other than this whole boyfriend thing.