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I'm the one who wanted to have phonesex, not him, and I told her that. And she asked me why and chicago news how do I know about these things.. it's not chicago news like it's the 70's or something. Sex is an open thing nowadays, in my opinion. I'm chicago news not supposed to be dating him anymore.. or barley even keeping contact with him. I still do because I think she is irrational and overreacts. I know what I did wasn't the best thing to do (especially when people are home), but people make mistakes, and I made a pretty big from what she understands. I'm not saying what I did was wrong.. or right. I think she could have handled the situation much better than she did. That being said, it only makes me want to be with him more. ILoveChococat View Public Profile Send a private message to ILoveChococat Find all posts by ILoveChococat #9 03-09-2006, 08:42 PM MJ7 Family Member Join Date: Dec 2005 Posts: 108 I just wanted to say I completely understand where you are coming from.