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.....the odd and strange idea might not be something you have considered and it may really not sound fun at all....but, imagine if you will..... pretending it is the sun times old times and your boyfriend is visiting sun times you. In the very old times young people Courted each other and did not give themselves opportunity to 'go too far.' They did this by not spending their time alone together....YUCK you say, but think about it..... The temptation is great and I do get this feeling that you really want to push for more then what your Intelligent Mind says is a good idea......and your mother is upset--right or wrong--she loves you and it is her job to be worried....that is how it is when we are mom's..... You have the POWER to control and protect everyone involved in this situation..... You have the ability to respect and protect your boy friend from even the implications of his bad behavior....you have the power to protect yourself from pushing and going too far....and MOST of all you have the power to ease your mothers heart and gain her respect....