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I'm not sure that this is going to be a useful strategy for anyone for whom fear of Muslims is an actual problem. I've had a conversation along these lines with a genuinely racist partner in a law firm I used to work for: "Come chicago on, you're chicago really scared of Muslims. Admit it; I don't want to hear that PC bullshit, when you're on a plane and the guy sitting next to chicago you looks Arab, you're worried." (Now, his goal here wasn't to overcome irrational fears, it was to get my buy-in to some sort of ethnic cleansing program, but that's neither here nor there. Did I mention I quit that firm?) The problem with saying "Just admit it, and we'll work from there," is that it isn't necessarily true, at least for people who live in reasonably diverse areas. I'm from New York, and while I certainly have stereotypes relating to Muslims (which, obviously, I should overcome -- stereotypes are generally a bad thing), the ones where I assume that they own small businesses are more powerful than anything relating to terrorism.