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Rapist are welcome. Also, can I ethically sell this place without telling the purchaser about Mr. Rapist? Yours truly, Perplexed Dear Perplexed, It’s not going to be telling people what they want to hear day at Ask huge dildo the Mineshaft, I’m afraid, at least not on my end. So here goes: I don’t think you should try to get rid of the rapist. This situation sucks, and I huge dildo totally sympathize; huge dildo I certainly wouldn’t want him emitting his gross rapist vibes in my building. But he’s gotta live somewhere. Getting rid of him would just mean fobbing him off onto someone else. And since your main concerns seem to be his creepiness and your property values, not safety, and you didn’t mention any women in your building, it would be an unjustifiable fob. Maybe you’re thinking to yourself , “I didn’t ask you what I should do; what about what I can do?” The only ideas that occur to this sage blogger are first, to just give asking your downstairs neighbor to kick him out a shot.