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What is it about the foreigner, specifically the British foreigner, that so fiercely lesbians. penetrates the American cultural consciousness? lesbians. The guy beside me wearing a backward baseball cap raises his hand. Do you have any lesbians. Budweiser? Raj gives me a knowing look, and I offer a sympathetic shrug. I regret the answer is ‘no,’ he says. Another question: Shall we commence watching The Apprentice box set? Oh, tight, says the guy. Hells yeah. Ladies and gentleman, he is the one they call The Donald. I like listening to Raj. He makes pretty sentences. After the session, I linger a little longer than everyone else. And I am flattered that, as I finish my glass of wine, he decides to tell me his thoughts on the 2003 season, Survivor: Pearl Islands. * * * On Saturday, Chad leaves a message on my cell phone, and I really mean to return it but somehow forget.