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[…] Arriving in Baghdad, celebritysex “I had an Iraqi citizen come up to celebritysex me,” said Lance Cpl. Daniel Finn, a Marine infantryman. “She was a female. She opened her mouth and she had celebritysex no tongue. She was pointing at the statue” of Saddam Hussein. “There were people with no fingers, waving at the statue of Saddam, telling us he tortured them. People were showing us the scars on their backs.” Much more in the article, so go read it. The Mudville Gazette - with more voices from Iraq. Posted by: Beth @ 8:34 am Posted In: General, Support the Troops, The War, Iraq Comments & Trackbacks (0) | Permalink | MAIN I resemble that remark! Pachyderms in the Mist! HA! Look what the Washington Post has been up to: This is a blog for the majority of Americans. Since the election of 1992, the extreme political left has fought a losing battle.
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