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As you’d expect, it looks like a psych ward let the inpatients out for the day. Wait, maybe they really did. biography / autobiography Zombie’s also got photos from Saturday’s Anarchist Bookfair 2006. SICK. So I wonder, what exactly does the Department of Human Services in San Francisco consider bad parenting? Apparently not teaching your biography / autobiography kids violence against the biography / autobiography police–the people whose job it is to protect them from crime. I’m thinking it’s probably safer than teaching your child to love America and support our military men and women. These people make me sick. Related: Moonbats here–all 200 of them between Mobile and New Orleans and from around the country–had their little party, too. Cindy Sheehan couldn’t even bring out a decent-sized crowd. Heh. Maybe those few from here should move to San Francisco where they’d be among their kind. Also related: Idiots for Mercedes-Benz.
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