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Sorta. Tags: protest, rally, antiwar, peace, anarchy, idiotarians, photos The Jawa Report linked with Festival of the Fatwas: "We love our troops so much hidden camera voyeur. that we want them to die" edition Posted by: Beth @ 10:09 am Posted In: General, Support the Troops, Stupid, Moonbats, The War, Iraq Comments & Trackbacks hidden camera voyeur. (7) | Permalink | MAIN BACK UP YOUR BLOG! So, you know how hidden camera voyeur. Mac said “Part of the ‘let’s get the crap off Blogger before they nuke my whole site and punch me in the stomach…’” in the previous post about the American Princess moving to Munuviana? Well, speaking of “nuke my whole site,” BACK UP YOUR BLOG! Don’t know how? No problem. Yes, you can even do it in Blogger, too. Sadie (Agent Bedhead) of Apothegm Designs will tell you how for FREE. Free save-your-blog advice! Tags: Blogger, backups, Wordpress, Movable Type, Typepad Posted by: Beth @ 7:15 am Posted In: General, Blogs Comments & Trackbacks (1) | Permalink | MAIN New Place For The Princess Yeah, I may know a little thing or two about this, but The American Princess is now at The American Princess.