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  Copyright © 2005 by The Trustees of Columbia University Mac users: please note that our site is optimized for the Safari browser. Talking hollywood with parents I'm afraid to tell my mom, 'I'm pregnant' Originally Published: November 10, 2000   Dear Alice, I'm a twenty-one-year-old college student who will be done with school in a month. hollywood My boyfriend and I have been dating nine months and I am now two months pregnant. He is aware of the situation and is very supportive. My mother, however, is very hollywood strict and set in her ways. She reinforces all the time that I must not have sex with anyone until I'm married, and she has been asking me questions about whether or not I've had sex with my boyfriend. I am very afraid to tell her I'm pregnant because there is no telling how mad she will get. What do I do?!?!?!?!   Dear Reader, You're in a difficult situation right now, and it's unfortunate that you also have to worry about figuring out how and when to tell your mother about the pregnancy.
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