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Planned Parenthood chicago newspaper at 800.230.PLAN (-7526) can help you with your choice, whatever you decide. You can weigh the pros and cons of each possibility and evaluate your feelings about each, rationally or irrationally. If you decide to keep the child, do you have enough support and resources to do so? How would you and your boyfriend pay for and care for a baby now? These are some questions that chicago newspaper you could explore together that might help clarify the options. First, you need to decide what you are going to do. Why are you telling your mom? Do you need chicago newspaper help with making a decision? Are you getting married and you want your mother to know? It might be helpful to practice what you'll say before you let her know. If you do choose to have an abortion, there is no need to tell your mother. If you decide to have the baby, you need to decide if you'll keep the baby or adopt. It may be useful to talk with a family-planning counselor, health care provider, trusted friend, relative, spiritual advisor, or anyone else who can help you make a decision right now.
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