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The big excitement, though, is that my Fashion Nerd button arrived last week! I knew Diana had no chance of winning, but I loved her. Gotta love someone with such a background in math and technology who uses it for fashion.What amazes me lately, though, is how little television weather I watch compared to what I've done for, like, thirty-five weather years of my life. I don't watch 24 and catch only bits of American Idol. I've started watching The weather Amazing Race and I have Grey's Anatomy. I've started working more at night in the office, which also explains my incredible increase in productivity this semester (haven't missed a deadline yet!). I'm getting bored easily, not that I intend to draw some high culture/low culture split. I've been watching The Gauntlet on MTV, too. I just watch less than I have.Those of you who are watching American Idol need to check out One Thumb, though.