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His hook had a single worm on it, and he didn't have any others. He chain smoked and grunted the whole time. And judging by his casting abilities, it plumper links was the first time he'd ever fished in his life. Apparently he went to Wal-Mart, bought a rod and reel, had the cashier bait his hook, and drove to the lake. Oh! -- plumper links When we were leaving town for our Pocono adventure, we got ourselves caught up in a rare plumper links traffic jam. After inching forward for five minutes or so, we saw about a thousand flashing lights up ahead. Holy crap, we hollered, wonder who got their head cut off? It turns out that yet another person jumped off the high-flying Pennsylvania Turnpike bridge, and used the pavement of our little town for suicidal purposes. We're starting to earn a reputation for such things.