sincerely, Alinta.   At fatgranniestgp fat list

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sincerely, Alinta.   At 5:59 PM, Anonymous said... Well fat list done, Mr. Berry, well done, you have succeeded in doing something very very impressive. You have managed to bring all the screws loose from the floorboards we stand on. God will have his vengeneance. Repent !!! The sky is falling. The four horsemen, I think I see them on the horizon fat list now, oh well, with any luck, they will be too fat for their horses, their horses will falter, and the four horsemen will have to eat crow. (Oh, by that's considered fat list meat right). Give us all a break and keep your fat ass comments to yourself. We don't need this kind of antagonistic rhetoric. It may be my imagination, but most of those who think this is a great article happen to have some skinny "genes" at work and as usual are happy to denigrate others for their own grandisement. For the record, I'm not fat, I'm 52 years old, 5'3 and weigh 110 pounds, but I don't need to hear it and neither does anybody else. Generalizing about race is unacceptable, about sexual orientation unacceptable, but you've demonstrated your willingnees to open the floodgates and condemn all Americans as one for the sins of some.
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