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I seriously think big hole the funk saturated our bedding, and my clean clothes. We may have to have a bonfire. But I just open big hole another beer, smile like a retard, and press onward. What else is there to do? Oh, and this was on the counter when I got home last night. I just don't understand; it's an absolute obsession. It's like a security blanket or something. She probably has a sack of the stuff on the console when they drive. How does a person reach the point where they turn their life over to artificial sweetener?? It's completely big hole baffling to me. I could go on and on, but I'm not gonna. In the grand scheme of things, it could be much worse. I mean, Nancy and Nostrils could be here with their passel of screeching translucents. It's Christmastime, and I need to count my blessings. Ho ho ho. -- I've got a cold, goddammit. I'm all run-down and drippy.