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It was next-door to the house with the jars of human xxx hot sauces heads in the basement that I mentioned a few weeks ago, in a very upscale neighborhood. I xxx hot sauces always feel like the real estate agents look at us like we're wearing a parka of turds when we go to one of these xxx hot sauces mansions, but what do I care? Fuck 'em. This place had four bedrooms and three or four bathrooms, an in-ground pool, a huge kitchen with an island in the middle, a family room that looked like a ski lodge, etc. etc. Simply incredible. But guess what was hanging on the wall of the living room? That's right, a caricature!! I'm not kidding. It looked almost exactly like the other one, big as all hell and hanging right out in the open! Bad taste obviously doesn't discriminate based on annual income. I mean, what the fuck?! Why don't these people just go all the way and get a computer-generated mass of fucked-upness you stare at and eventually get to see a three-dimensional dinosaur? Why stop at the caricatures?