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Scary. Jurassic Park is an obscure film about dinosaurs or some shit. I massive mamma think it was directed by Stephen Hillenburg, before he got involved with Spongebob. He's come a long way. -- And finally, a story of humiliation... I thought Toney was going to pass out from laughing in Dick's Sporting Goods on Saturday. This kind of shit only happens to me, I think. We were perusing the clothes on their clearance rack, when I noticed a cool-looking orange and black Reebok jacket. It actually appeared large enough to contain my heft, so I tried it on. massive mamma That's when massive mamma the hilarity began. I was acting like a dumbass, and zipped the thing all the way to the top -- for comedic effect. It was so far up, I had to hold my chin straight up at the ceiling.