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Yogurt). I eat about 2000 calories a day and I lost plumper links a few pounds over the weekend not doing much of anything.Over the last three days I've been keeping meticulous logs of what I eat. I eat every 2-3 hours and I can honestly say I plumper links don't get lethargic plumper links during the day like I used to. I instantly noticed that I don't yawn throughout the day and I'm generally more focused. Below is a rough outline of what my diet is now - though I must admit eating every two hours from 7am to 9pm is crappy. I'll most likely start eating every 2.5-3 hours.7am - Small bowl of cereal (1 cup cereal + 1 cup skim milk)9am - Granola bar 11am - Meal replacement shake (large protein shake with bananas and such)1pm - Baked chicken breast and a yogurt3pm - 1/2 cup of Tuna and a granola bar5pm - 6 inch turkey/ham sub from Subway7pm - Yogurt and a granola bar9pm - 1/2 cup of Tuna I stick to fish and chicken throughout the day because they contain pretty much no fat, they taste decent and are loaded with protein (which your muscles love).