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Toney already had the required-by-law bird in the oven, and my fat man scoop Mom brought along a huge ham and several pies. And fat man scoop together they spent substantial time preparing all the meat accessories: the mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade stuffing, some kind of a broccoli casserole deal, and on and on and on. The kitchen was bubbling and steaming and putting off an excellent cocktail of funks. Ahh... you just can't beat the occasional well-rendered over-the-top orgy of gluttony. You really can't. As is the tradition, the dining room table was loaded down to the point of collapse. Toney kept handing me bowls and saying, "Put this out there." But after a while I felt like I was playing one of those puzzles where you slide the little tiles around in a tray to make a picture. I seriously considered bringing in one of the end tables from the living room, to help with the overflow.